Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Great Gatsby Tom and Blanche

Loyalty refers to a state of being faithful and devoted to an individual or an institution. For one to be considered loyal, there should be a clear demonstration of the need to obey all the set rules. Different people attach their loyalty to various people and faiths among other things. Loyalty requires one to have some sense of duty or responsibility towards that which one is loyal.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ‘The Great Gatsby’: Tom and Blanche specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Disloyalty, on the other hand, is the act of being not devoted to somebody or something. It refers to a state where one is unfaithful, not trustworthy, tells lies and other related vices. ‘The Great Gatsby’ book is a narrative of life experience of a young man who leaves his hometown for another one in the east in search of academic prosperity and success in life. The young man comes from a relatively rich fa mily, and he thinks that he has the responsibility to continue the legacy that was started by his great grandfather’s brother. He understands and appreciates the fact that his family expects him to be like his entrepreneurial uncle who died several years ago. He never saw him, but he is determined to live his legacy as expected by the family. He knows that this may be not easy, but holds on to the pieces of advice that the father would give him frequently. To pursue his education goals he moves to the east where he meets his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom, an old friend from college. Streetcar Named Desire is more of a play where we meet several actors like Blanche. This paper seeks to compare and contrast the loyalty and disloyalty of Tom and Blanche as demonstrated in the two books respectively. From the two books, it is clear that both characters are loyal to their families. Tom feels it is his duty to work hard to provide for his family. He also works hard to ensure tha t his wealthy status continues even to the generations to come. When Daisy comments on Tom’s reading habits, Tom says, â€Å"It is up to us who are the dominant race to watch out for these other races will have control over things.† This statement describes Tom as not only being loyal to his family, but also to his race at large. He feels that if not serious, their dominant race might be overthrown by another race. Like Tom, Blanche in the book of Street Car Named Desire, is loyal to her sister who is the only member of her family that we come across. Blanche is so much concerned about the relationship of her sister with Stanley. She is worried about her and tries to help the sister in every way possible to meet her needs.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Seeing the miserable life her sister Stella is living, Blanche persuades her to leave her husband and vent ure into a field that would give them money to meet with the life expenses. Blanche hopes to persuade Stella to leave Stanley.  It is true that both characters are loyal to their jobs. The narrator explains that Tom has worked very hard to achieve a lot of wealth though at a very young age. When the narrator visits Tom’s family, he is surprised by their beautifully and well built mansion. The narrator says, â€Å"Their house was even more elaborate than I expected, a cheerful red and white Georgian Colonial mansion overlooking the bay.† This statement shows that Tom is very much devoted to his work to an extent of acquiring such massive wealth in spite of his young age. His achievements have made him show off to his friends. When talking to the narrator with a lot of pride, Tom takes him round his mansion to display its wealthy nature. Blanche also comes out as being very loyal to her teaching opportunity. She ensures that she does not quit teaching although with ano ther duty at a certain hotel. While criticizing Blanche’s behavior, Stanley says that â€Å"She has lived like a prostitute in a cheap hotel while also teaching in the local school.† This shows that although engaging in other immoral activities, Blanche could not forget her responsibility as a teacher of English. She was very kind to the learners and the entire learning institution. It is also evident that both characters at some point are unfaithful to their partners. When Daisy and the cousin are discussing the birth of Daisy’s daughter, she complains that she did not know her husband’s whereabouts before her daughter is born. In this respect, the narrator also says, â€Å"As for Tom, the fact is that he had some woman in New York.† This demonstrates that Tom is not loyal to Daisy. Though married, Tom seems to engage in some marital affairs with other women. On the other hand, Blanche meets another man by the name Mitch, who is now her boyfriend. However, we find Blanche being disloyal to Mitch when he kisses another man and also engages in an affair with another old man who is perceived to be a millionaire. Stanley also refers to Blanche as promiscuous: â€Å"Blanche flirts with and kisses a young man who calls to collect subscriptions for a newspaper.† She even tells Stanley lies concerning her boyfriend Mitch which confirms the level of Blanche’s disloyalty to Mitch.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ‘The Great Gatsby’: Tom and Blanche specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Great Gatsby book brings out Tom showing some disloyalty to other people just like Blanche in the Streetcar Named Desire. From the narrator’s description of the nature and appearance of Tom, his attitude to other people and the outside world is clearly seen. The author describes Tom’s eyes as being shinny and arrogant and his body as appearing cruel. These descriptions bring out Tom as a man who is very tough, and harsh to other people, which are signs of disloyalty. We see Daisy making fun out of her husband’s appearance. Although it was meant to be a light joke to provoke laughter, Tom takes it so serious that he objects the statement crossly saying â€Å"I hate that word hulking, even in kidding.† Some people are said to hate Tom’s guts, which confirms that the man is disloyal to others in one way or another. Blanche is also unfaithful to Stanley and other people that are out to help her. From the book, it is clear that Blanche does not stay in her own house. She lives with her sister Stella who is accommodated by her friend Stanley. This is evidenced by Stanley’s attempt to send Blanche back to Laure by issuing her a bus ticket when her behavior annoys him. Instead of being loyal to such a person who has accommodated her, Blanche is out to separate Stanley and her sister Stella. She is also harsh to Mitch who is said to offer her protection and company after the death of her husband by having sexual affairs with other men. When Blanche goes out for an date with Mitch, it is not successful. The author comments it this way: â€Å"Blanche and Mitch return from unsuccessful evening out, and Blanche appears to be offended when Mitch tries to kiss her.† This means that these two friends did not agree on some issues, quarreled, or had some other differences that made the date unsuccessful, a statement that can be used to justify the disloyal character of Blanche. She also causes the death of her former husband, which is a sign of high degree of Blanche’s disloyalty to him. As evidenced from the two books, Tom and Blanche are unfaithful to humanity. Their manipulative natures show that they do not even respect others’ families. Tom snatches Mrs. Wilson his wife and goes with her to New York where he engages in sexual affairs with Mrs. Wilson. He makes the woman lie to her husband that she goes to see her sister who stays in New York, â€Å"so Tom Buchanan and his girl and I went up together to New York†. Tom forgets that he is married to Daisy, and manipulates Mrs. Wilson to leave her husband. Blanche has also tried in many occasions to manipulate her sister Stella to leave her husband and engage in an affair with an old man who is a millionaire. This affair would be played to his own selfish gains.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on ‘The Great Gatsby’: Tom and Blanche was written and submitted by user Tomas Carlson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Goverment Article Wallstreet essays

Goverment Article Wallstreet essays Government Article: A Hard-hit Wall Street Still Stumbling to Find Its Feet This article talks about the influence of September 11, 2001, and its anniversary, on the stock market and how its affecting or could affect the economy. These past 12 months have been hard on our country, from the attack on the World Trade Center and continuing with Enron and WorldCom leaving the business community weary and unsure of the future. This passiveness from Wall Street is a cause of great concern for our nation. Today, banks were open at their usual time. However, the stock market delayed its opening by 90 minutes. Many people who worked in the area, the World Trade Center, or knew people who did, returned to work on the anniversary feeling it was the right thing to do. This attitude has helped to encourage people to stay involved in financial trading during this turning point in the economy. Most firms were open, although their attendance level was lower than normal. Few firms decided to stay closed today, such as Cantor Fitzgerald, although their electronic tr ading service closed at 2 in the afternoon. The company lost 658 of its 970 employees at the World Trade Center. This article shows that our government had some amount of foresight into preparing for any disastrous events on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks. On Tuesday a terror alert at level orange, the second highest of five levels, was issued. This security encouraged many people to attend work, which in turn helped our economy by promoting trade. Our economy is greatly dependent on Wall Street and the confidence of its investors. If much of that confidence can be supported by the government, then our current financial situation can be improved. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Employment System in Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Employment System in Middle East - Essay Example In the third section, a linkage is created between the poverty and employment. In the forth section, linkage of social welfare and employment is created and finally in the last section conclusion is given. Middle Eastern countries comprise of the following countries, i.e. Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Israel, Jordon, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza Strip and West Bank. Not all of these countries are well established but there is a good demand of employment in these countries, especially Africa and Dubai. The Growth level in this system is emerging with the passage of time but unemployment rate has not declined to a greater degree. There is still a large amount of population unemployed. This paper focuses on the linkage between the poverty and employment & social welfare and employment. The section three and four will emphasize the two concepts in detail. In 2004-2006 when all the rest of the world was going through a recession in the employment industry, some middle-eastern countries passed through the job creation phase. There was employment opportunity in these areas because the private sector showed major development. There were a lot of foreign and domestic investments made by the local and foreign companies that boosted, enhanced and created job opportunities for the unemployment class. These job opportunities catered well as not only were the demand of the young, energetic, talented and capable people met but also these unemployed workers now were provided with the platform where they could put their best efforts to achieve their potential goals. But it sad to state that apart from all the opportunities, the unemployment level in the Middle East was still very high and a major sector of the workforce still remains unemployed. Middle East is also faced with another disappointing workforce practice, i.e. discrimination has been observed in the middle-eastern countries, as women who are a foremost source still experience through a high level of unemployment rate. It has also been stated that middle-eastern women are more talented and educated than as compared to men but regardless of all the efforts made they are still lacking far behind. This discrimination is widely observed in Egypt. The Middle East is experiencing high economic growth rate and it has been stated that from 2004 to 2006, its real GDP per capita had a 4.0 percent annual increase. But despite all these growths, Middle East also suffers from 25 percent youth employment (which is the recorded as the highest among all regions). Among the employed the highest level are new job seekers of age range of 15- 24 years who account for 50 percent of the unemployment in the region. On the other hand young people with secondary and post secondary education are also faced with employment issues such as mismatching skills and long queues for

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Compare the will theory and the interest theory of rights. Which is Essay

Compare the will theory and the interest theory of rights. Which is most plausible - Essay Example This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the will theory and the interest theory of rights and considers which theory is more plausible. It is submitted at the outset that the tension between the legal protection of human rights, political constraints and the extent of individual protection highlights the conflict between legal enforcement of rights in practice and theoretical concepts of ethics based on the will theory (Donnelly, 2003, p.7). To this end, it is submitted that in context of the contemporary framework of international relations, the interest theory of rights would appear to most plausible. From a theoretical perspective, Kant was a leading proponent of the will theory and his theory of wills stems from Kant’s theory of enlightenment with the proposition that â€Å"enlightenment is man’s emergence from incurred immaturity† and that the concept of immaturity stems from self-infliction due to lack of courage (Kant, in Nisbet & Reiss, 1991). Thi s in turn correlates to Kant’s central theory pertaining to the underlying rationale of being human (Somerville, 2006). ... ale for being human suggests that it is the interrelationship between intellectual independence and morality that is central to concepts of democracy (Nisbet & Reiss, 1991). Kant’s theory is similar Aquinas’ proposition of what constitutes being human also emphasises the independent voluntary exercise of will (Ardley, 2007). However, in contrast to Kant, Aquinas’ theory was heavily intertwined with Catholic hierarchy and interpretations of existence (Ardley, 2007 p.3). Additionally, Ardley highlights that the central difference with Kant’s principle of humanity was that: â€Å"Aquinas represents the metaphysician of the philosophia perennis. Kant on the other hand, as we understand him, in his basic contentions gets to the heart of the characteristic non-metaphysical pre-occupation of the modern world which seem alien to the philosophia perennis† (Ardley, 2007 pp.3-4). It is further submitted that a fundamental basis in particular relating to Kantâ €™s enlightenment theory was the supreme moral principle of good will, which catalysed the deontological approach to ethics (Donnelly, 2003 ). For example, beyond the intellectual intelligence paradigm is Kant’s assumption of the supreme moral principle of good will (Deligiorgi, 2005). This suggests that humans are innately moral and is supported by contemporary deontologist Somerville who refers to the â€Å"secular sacred† concept of ethics, which is that there are basic human rights and values that are common to humans irrespective of religious or cultural beliefs (Somerville, 2006, p.xi). Moreover, Somerville goes further and argues that the crux of ethics with regard to human rights protection is whether it is â€Å"inherently wrong?†(Somerville, 2006p. xi). Furthermore, Somerville argues in considering human

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Information Technology - questions to answer Essay

Information Technology - questions to answer - Essay Example From the other side, the cost of qualitative education is constantly rising. So people who invested huge money in their education can not afford receiving low salaries. Therefore it becomes impossible to find highly-educated professional human resources at low price. Those who sat that personnel from India or China is highly educated should ask themselves how many college graduates from India or China are working at top positions at U.S. companies. Often talented people from overseas should first work in the U.S. company for few years and overtake some corporate training (or post-graduate education) to become valuable employees. I think that ACME Corporation should use experience of other IT companies which are successful in transferring their facilities to developing countries. For example, managers at U.S.-Dutch professional publishing giant Wolters Kluwer shifted software development and editorial work to India and the Philippines. Therefore they are able to pump out a greater variety of books, journals, and Web-based content more rapidly. Wachovia Corp., the Charlotte-based bank inked a $1.1 billion deal with India's Genpact to outsource finance and accounting jobs and handed over administration of its human-resources programs to Lincolnshire-based Hewitt Associates. It's "what we need to do to become a great customer-relationship company," says Director of Corporate Development Peter J. Sidebottom cited in Engardio (2006). Wachovia aims to reinvest up to 40% of the $600 million to $1 billion it hopes to take out in costs over three years into branches, ATMs, and personnel to boost its core business. Here's what such transformations typically entail: Genpact, Accenture (ACN ), IBM Services, or another big outsourcing specialist dispatches teams to meticulously dissect the workflow of an entire human resources, finance, or info tech department. The team then helps build a new IT platform, redesigns all processes, and administers programs, acting as a virtual subsidiary. The contractor then disperses work among global networks of staff ranging from the U.S. to Asia to Eastern Europe. In recent years, Procter & Gamble (PG ), DuPont (DD ), Cisco Systems (CSCO ), ABN Amro (ABN ), Unilever, Rockwell Collins (COL ), and Marriott (MAR ) were among those that signed such megadeals, worth billions. As Engardio (2006) writes, many executives are discovering offshoring is really about corporate growth, making better use of skilled U.S. staff, and even job creation in the U.S., not just cheap wages abroad. True, the labor savings from global sourcing can still be substantial. But it is peanuts compared to the enormous gains in efficiency, productivity, quality, and revenues that can be achieved by fully leveraging offshore talent. However what the company really has to help it survive in this environment is finance. So ACME Corporation can attract professional talents from India, China and Eastern Europe with the same methods as it attracts American specialists. Good strategy for ACME Corporation is to provide social insurance and credits for mortgage or other purposes to its college-educated English-speaking employees from India or China that will attract talented personnel to the company. As Liu (2006) writes, the US economy emerged after World

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Research Brief And Research Proposal Marketing Essay

A Research Brief And Research Proposal Marketing Essay The Long Mynd Tea Company TLMTC is a leading player in the specialty and green tea market in United Kingdom. UK, with a market share of 63%, is the largest tea consuming market in Western Europe (Tropical Commodity Coalition). Tea consumption in UK was pegged at 31,000 tonnes in the year 2008. Our internal Long Mynd Business Intelligence Unit LMBIU has indicated that global supply deficits in 2010 mostly attributed to severe droughts in Kenya and India in 2009 resulted in global tea prices hitting a historical high in 2009. This resulted in Unilevers PG Tips being priced 28% higher than a year ago, while Tetley was pegged at 7% more expensive (Euromonitor). Business Issues The demand for tea in UK has been healthy but rising prices in the market can lead to fall in demand especially for specialty tea which is priced slightly higher than regular tea. TLMTC recognizes the issue and to counter and differentiate its offering we plan to introduce a unique range of product, herbal and fruit tea-bags under the brand name Revive. Revive offers a unique feature to consumers in the new range of teabags which is the shape of the bags. The company is planning to use an innovative manufacturing process to craft the tea-bags in irregular shapes which involves only minimum wastage. The new bag is designed in a unique flower shape. The product will be distributed through the existing delivery channels of hypermarkets and supermarkets. We will also tie-up with large cafà © chains to distribute the product. We plan to promote the launch by an aggressive campaign involving magazine and posters in the Autumn of 2011. The key message in the ads will be around the unique shape and attempt to tie it to herbal and health connotations. The ads will also carry the message of good taste of the tea. Research Objectives TLMTC wants to know whether the unique shape of the tea-bag and the taste of the tea are appealing to consumers. We want to test the hypothesis that the consumers perceive the package as a differentiating factor. We are also interested in validating the hypothesis that the taste of the new product will be accepted by consumers. The exploration of these aspects will help us make any possible changes to the product and communication. We also assume that consumers will associate the floral shape to herbs and healthiness. The study should provide us with a clear understanding of how the consumers perceive the packaging as a differentiator. It should also give us clear guidelines on what are the positive and negative perceptions about the new pack. We expect to get recommendations in form of a programme of research to guide us through the launch of Revive. Deliverables We expect to receive a complete report of the research in 4 hard copies and an electronic version of the report to be submitted at the LMBIU office at our corporate headquarters. We also require the research agency to submit a PowerPoint presentation and present it to the marketing team at our offices 1 week after the final report is submitted. Limitations Timing: TLMTC wants to have the final report ready by no later than 3rd week of July 2011. The marketing team would first review and approve the report. Thereafter, the agency would need to present the key research findings to the marketing team latest by the last week of July2011. Budget: The budget that we are willing to allocate to the project is no more than  £60,000. This includes any sum spent on travel and other activities to finish the project. Location: Revive will be launched nationally in UK and hence we want the research to be carried throughout the country in all major cities. Proposal Submission Information TLMTC expects a research proposal from the research agency in 2 weeks from the date of receiving research brief. The proposal should be submitted electronically to us, in attention to our marketing manager. Research Proposal for Revive By Insights Consulting Limited Background Long Mynd Tea Company TLMTC, a leading specialty tea company in United Kingdom, is looking to innovate and introduce a unique range of herbal and fruit tea bags under the brand name Revive. To help them with the exercise, TLMTC has approached the Insights Consulting team to submit a Research Proposal for the study. We understand that you want to primarily assess consumer perception of the flower shaped tea bags, which is essentially the prime differentiating factor of the new range, as well as evaluate whether the taste of the new range appeal to consumers. Tea is a very versatile and competitive category in United Kingdom and hence a deep understanding of the category in general and consumer attitude towards the product in particular needs to be presented in the study (Wilson, 2008). The following outlines our approach to the study in terms of research objectives, scope of the analysis, timelines and budget for the same. Objectives To understand the consumer preference and attitude towards the new brand of tea-bags being launched by TLMTC on two parameters namely; consumer appeal for the innovative shape of bags and taste of the product. By means of the study we will provide you with a complete programme of research (data acquisition and analytics) to guide them through the launch of the product. The report will also provide guidelines on any changes that we deem necessary to make the product more appealing to the target consumer group. The report will also provide leads on consumer perception that will help your marketing team to develop the correct strategy/message to be communicated to consumers though advertisement campaigns. Methodology Research Design Insights Consulting proposes to conduct the study to gauge the appeal for the taste and packaging among the target consumers. As the product is meant for the health conscious group, research would be carried out among those aged between 18-55 years representing Young adults (18-29 years), Older adults (30-40 years) and Middle-aged (41-55 years) consumers. We understand from secondary sources that for the TLMTCs product segment, which is herbal teas, to become main segment there is a need for continued innovation around flavour in order to improve the taste of the product. As of now, regular tea is consumed by around 22 million of the UK population and more than half (56%) have experimented with herbal tea but its taste did not appeal to them (Mintel, 2011). To have a better understanding of the complex consumer preferences, we suggest an optimum combination of both qualitative and quantitative tests to meet the objectives of the study. Following are the recommended methods: Focus Group Discussions We propose to conduct in total 9 Focus group discussions in the 3 major cities of United Kingdom which will provide us with a good representation of the target market London, Manchester and Glasgow, 3 in each city such that it covers all age bands. The Focus group discussion would be led by a moderator while a panel of experts would be present to measure the emotional/ subconscious reactions of the participants. The participants would be first shown the new tea bags and the moderator would direct questions around the first reaction of the participants, would they like to buy and use it, do they perceive the product to be healthy to understand if the health platform will work for the product, would they be ready to pay a premium for the unique offering, would they include the offering in their daily diet, what would be the likelihood of repeat purchase and most important of all; their suggestions on the product and its unique packaging. Tea is seen as a healthy drink with high antioxidant content which claims to have slimming effects (University of Maryland, 2010). We understand from other studies that women prefer herbal tea as compared to their male counterparts (DailyMail, 2011). The FGDs will try to understand this angle as well and try to find if there is a special need of this consumer segment which can be addressed by the product in its current form or with any variants. Taste Test The participants would then be requested to taste the product and the next round of discussions would be directed to that aspect. It would again assess the first reaction, how they would like to consume it, would they be ready to pay a premium for this experience, etc. It is also very important to assess that the health connotation does not intervene with the taste experience of consumers. The taste test will also provide us insights into how different consumers perceive Revive as compared to the other brands available in the market. The moderator can also test the possibility of certain flavours and variety (Hot/ Iced) which the participants might seek. Projective Techniques We also propose to use Projective Techniques in the focus groups. We will introduce photos and use techniques such as word association and third person technique. Participants will be asked to look at photos and associate different types of people with the new concept/packaging and taste. This technique would be especially useful since it is a premium product and hence would help in measuring whether it succeeds in appealing to the higher sensibilities of the consumers. This will help us understand the motivations of consumers in consuming the category. It may also help in forming a platform for promotion message building directed at the target market. We appreciate the general feeling that Projective techniques in themselves may not provide any robust insights and are not considered as method of choice to study consumer motivation, nor do these techniques provide all the tools for such studies. Though they do help a researcher uncover feelings, beliefs, attitudes and motivation which many consumers find difficult to articulate and explain (Donoghue, 2000). In an experience based category like herbal tea, these techniques will be worthwhile to use. Questionnaire Based Survey Administered surveys are important to cover a larger sample base and also gain information on aspects which cannot be covered through qualitative measures. It would aim at profiling tea drinkers and non drinkers demographically (Revive being a health based premium offering income, age and gender profiling gains major importance), assess their eating habits (and mainly tea drinking habits in case of tea drinkers and probability of drinking tea in case of non drinkers) and shopping habits, price they would be willing to pay for the product and the optimum pack size for first trials (which would help you in the launch promotions). It would be also important to analyze whether consumers shift from other beverages to herbal tea given its benefits and increasing health consciousness (The Observer). The survey questionnaire would be designed based on the above aspects and the inputs we receive in the FGDs. It would include a screener to ensure data collection from a representative sample. Alternate Techniques An alternative to Focus Group discussions is Online Focus Group discussion. We can also replace the normal taste test with blind taste test. We can also take help of depth interviews to get in-depth understanding of consumers on a one-to-one basis. Online focus Group discussions are hard to monitor and they are quite impersonal to gauge customer reaction, which in a way hinders the qualitative assessment associated with focus group discussions. They are also not a good way to reach non-computer literate consumer base and need additional infrastructure (Wright, 2005). We will also miss out on experiential elements which are essential to a product category like tea. Blind taste tests can be a good medium but here we want to establish the taste perceptions of just our brand and get qualitative feedback on taste comparison. Blind taste test also requires additional product samples to be used which will have additional time and cost implications. Hence we recommend doing normal taste test. Depth interviews are a good option but are costly and time consuming exercise. Given the budget constraint and quick turnaround time of the project we recommend conducting focus group discussion which will allow us to combine the discussion with taste test and use our projective techniques as well. Internet and in-venue surveys would help in accumulating additional information through a larger sample thus optimizing results and providing an all round analysis. This combination will provide us with a robust solution on the research front and also help us overcome the various limitations like time and budget restrictions. Sampling: Focus Group Discussions Target population: Health conscious people (18-55 years) and tea drinkers Sampling frame: Our database for each city Sampling method: The sampling would be a combination of Stratified sampling: since the respondents of Focus Group have to meet the criteria of being tea drinkers Quota sampling: to cover the entire target age group and both the genders Sample size: 90 Quotas: Since females are the primary shoppers in UK (Lake) as well as prominent consumers of herbal tea, their quota is kept higher than males. The quotas would be as follows: Gender Age Group Quota Female Young Adults, 12-29 years 24% Older Adults, 30- 40 years 20% Middle Aged, 41- 55 years 23% Male Young Adults, 12-29 years 10% Older Adults, 30- 40 years 13% Middle Aged, 41- 55 years 10% The sample will be sourced equally from North, South and Midlands (33% each) to ensure uniformity and non-biased result due to skewed sample. The group discussions will be carried out in the following scheme- Group 1: South young adults 18 29, (3 males, 7 females) Group 2: South older adults 30 40, (4 males, 6 females) Group 3: South middle aged 41 55, (3 males, 7 females) Group 4: North young adults 18 29, (3 males, 7 females) Group 5: North older adults 30 40, (4 males, 6 females) Group 6: North middle-aged 41 55, (3 males, 7 females) Group 7: Midlands young adults 18 29, (3 males, 7 females) Group 8: Midlands older adults 30 40, (4 males, 6 females) Group 9: Midlands middle aged 41 55, (3 males, 7 females) Survey Target population: Health conscious people (18-55 years) Sampling frame: Our database for each city (for in-venue surveys) and Internet Panel for Online surveys. Sampling method: Quota sampling, to cover the entire target age group and both the genders Sample size: A sample of 1200 would be distributed equally between In-venue Surveys (600) and Online surveys (600) Quotas: The survey questionnaire would be administered among both tea drinkers (75%) and non drinkers (25%). It would span 1200 respondents (400 from each city 100 males, 300 females). This will ensure a proper coverage of the target consumer groups and thus provide us with robust results. Data Collection and Analysis: Our team will record, transcribe and analyze each of the group discussions and use their results for the final recommendations. The results will be categorized and presented to reflect the views of each demographic group separately and on a combined level to give a holistic view of consumer perception and preference. The taste tests and projective techniques will also be analyzed and combined with the results of the overall FGDs to come up with a complete solution as required by you. Imbibing the learning from the opinions and ideas that come out in the study, the final report will be a complete guide that will help TLMTC launch Revive successfully in the market. It will provide adequate consumer insights and marketing cues to help your team in strategizing a successful launch. The questionnaires would be administered both in person and through internet (50% 50%).Personal interviews would be conducted at strategic venues; essentially data would be collected from outside retail outlets (hypermarkets/ supermarkets distributions channels for Revive) and cafà ©s as they would help in reaching out to our main target market, i.e. shoppers and tea/brewed beverage consumers respectively. Internet interviews would save time and cost, at the same time in-venue surveys would optimize sample representation. Deliverables: We will submit 4 (four) hard copies and an electronic copy of the report as requested by TLMTC at end of the study. The report will provide in-depth analysis and report the facts and insights that we gather from the exercise. It will also discuss the recommendations we will make and explain the rationale of the same. We will also clearly spell out the limitations (if any) of the study. As requested we will also do a PowerPoint presentation of the key results at your head offices one week after the final report is approved. We understand that the audience at the presentation will be members from the marketing team who would be more interested in the key takeaways and action points. As such, we will only present the top-line findings and recommendations at the presentation. Timing: We assume that the proposal will be accepted by second week of May 2011 and we will be able to start work from third week of May around 16 May, 2011. The project will take approximately 8 weeks to finish after the proposal is accepted. We plan to finish-off the final presentation by 11 July, 2011 so that your marketing team gets ample time to execute the recommendations for an Autumn launch. Tasks Start date Duration (in number of working days) End date Set up focus groups 16.05.2011 5 20.05.2011 Focus Group Discussions 23.05.2011 5 27.06.2011 FGD Data Analysis 30.05.2011 7 07.06.2011 Compiling Report 08.06.2011 5 14.06.2011 Set up Questionnaire 15.06.2011 3 17.06.2011 Field work 20.06.2011 5 24.06.2011 Survey data Analysis and Report 27.06.2011 7 05.07.2011 Submission of Final Report 06.07.2011 1 06.07.2011 Review of the report and feedback 07.07.2011 2 08.07.2011 PowerPoint Presentation 11.07.2011 1 11.07.2011 Budget The total cost of the project is estimated at  £58,500 as follows: Task Cost/unit No.s Total Cost Focus Group Discussions ( 2 hours each)  £3,000 9  £27,000 In-venue Interviews  £24 600  £14,400 Internet Interviews  £13.5 600  £8,100 Project management/ Data processing  £9,000 Total  £58,500 We have tried to adjust the cost of the project under the budget limit indicated by TLMTC in the research brief.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What aspects of your life would you most like to keep and why

There are many aspects of my life which have become important to me and the way I live day to day. Many of the things which I include myself I can easily live without and are merely acts of procrastination which I would be better of abandoning, yet there are some things which improve me as a person and are vital to my well being. The first and most important of aspect of my life which every person needs to have, for a secure and happy way of life is family; and our ability to rely upon our family to always love and care for us. It is my parents who raised me and cared for me when no one else would they are the reason I am living the way of life I am today. Family is important because they give us the significance that we need to feel. They act as our own group of loyal supporters which we all crave to have. In a world that never stops moving for anyone, those closest to will, they will share in my sorrows and be joyous in my success. Our parents, siblings and relations are all that we have and they are who mould us into great people and the provide us the motivation to do great things and make the positive influence on society that keep the human race moving forward. Another aspect of our aspect of my life which I would want to keep is my religion. Islam was too first given to by my family, yet now it has become a complete way of life for me. It gives us humans the sense of purpose which we strive for and it instructs us on how we should act and behave to not only others around us but ourselves. Religion also has the ability to unite billions of people around the world to one common belief, and this common ground which we share with each other is invaluable because too much now days people focus on our differences yet fail to acknowledge the similarities; the belief in God. Religion is a central part of my life and makes up part of my identity, without which I am nothing. The internet is an aspect of my life which over the years has become a pivotal part of my life. It is a treasure trove of information that can provide you up to date news as well is an encyclopaedia of knowledge about history and connects people worldwide. The internet has revolutionised my way of life, and the fact that it has been phased into my life does mean that with time one could become used to living without it again. I use the internet in all aspects of my life and it comes to use from being used for school work and keeping connected with friends and family living too far away to contact any other way. The final part of my life which I would like to hold onto until I am old and grey is my participation in sports; sport is beneficial to my mind and body in so many ways; from the obvious facts of reducing body fat and increasing stamina to its ability to help me fight away depression and anxiety. Sports gives us a sense of belonging and helps us fit in with other people who we may not normally meet or talk to. If I am able to continue my involvement in sports then in the future it would lower the chances of me suffering from illnesses and diseases and also continue to give me that competitive edge over others who I may meet in the world of work. Participation in sport gives me that sense of achievement and confidence which is not always found in other aspects of life and therefore I will continue my affiliation with it for as long as possible. We as a human race must strive to maintain the ability to celebrate and learn from the past, for if men and women are freed from tradition and the experiences of history and the family environment, we will be but clueless beings; making the same mistakes of those who have already come before us and be moulded by eccentrics and maniacs, which would only be detrimental to the development of the humanity.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Osmosis and Simple Diffusion

Study guide questions: Movements through membrances 1. Prepare a graph that illustrate the diffusion distance of potassium in 10 minutes 2. Explain your graph : 3. Define simple diffusion: 4. Define osmosis: Osmosis can be defined as the movement of solvent molecules across a semipermeable or selectively permeable membrane ,from a region of lower concentration of the solute to that of a higher concentration till equilibrium is attained. 5. What is the change in the level of molasses in 10 minutes? 6. What is the change in the level of molasses in 30 minutes? . What force is responsible for the movement of substances through the filter paper? The filtration by the fiter paper is done by the volume and the surface 8. What substance did not pass through the filter paper 9. What factor prevented these substances from passing through 10. Define filtration 11. Which stage (phase) of the cell cycle was the most numerous in the blastula? Explain your answer 12. In what ways are the new cells (daughter cells), which result from a cell cycle similar? 13. How does the new cell slightly differ? 14. Abdominal impact injuries often involve the spleen. Explain the structural tissue characteristics that make the spleen so vulnerable to serious injury. 15. Explain the advantage for melanin granules being located in the deep layer of the epidermis 16. Explain how a hair is formed? 17. What cells produce the pigment in hair? 18. Distinguish the locations and tissues among epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer 19. How do the cells of stratum corneum and stratum basale differ? 20. What part of hair extends from the hair papilla to the body surface 21. In which layer of skin are sebaceous glands found 22. How are sebaceous gland associated with hair follicles 23. In what layer of skin are sweat glands usually located 24. Explain how bone cells embedded in solid ground substance obtain nutrients and eliminate wastes. By answering yes or no, indicate which of the following provides an example of simple diffusion. 1. A perfume bottle is opened, and soon the odor can be sensed in all parts of the room —– 2. A sugar cube is opened into a cup of hot water, and without being stirred, all of the liquid becomes sweet tasting——- 3. Water molecules move from a faucet through a garden hose when the faucet is turned on —– 4. A person blows air molecules into a balloon by forcefully exhaling——– 5. A crystal of blue copper sulfate is placed in a test tube of water. The next day, the solid is gone, but the water is evenly colored——- By answering yes or no, indicate which of the following involves osmosis 1. A fresh potato is peeled, weighed, and soaked in a strong salt solution. The next day, it is discovered that the potato has lost weight —— 2. Garden grass wilts after being exposed to dry chemical fertilizer —— 3. Air molecules escape from a punctured tire as a result of high pressure inside —– 4. Plant seeds soaked in water swell and become several times as large as before soaking —- 5. When the bulb of a thistle tube filled with is sealed by a selectively permeable membrane and submerged in a beaker of molasses’, the water level in the tube falls——- By answering yes of no, indicate which of the following involved filtration 1. Oxygen molecules move into cell and carbon dioxide molecules leave a cell because of differences in the concentrations of these substances on either side of the cell membrane —— 2. Blood pressure forces water molecules from the blood outward through the thin wall of a blood capillary ——- 3. Urine is forced from the urinary bladder through the tubular urethra by muscular contractions – 4. Air molecules enter the lungs through the airways when air pressure is greater outside these organs than inside——- 5. Coffee is made using a coffeemaker (not instant) ——

Friday, November 8, 2019

Best Proposal Essay Topics for 2019 -

Best Proposal Essay Topics for 2019 85 Good Proposal Essay Topics: Guide with Examples Useful Tips On How To Choose Proposal Essay TopicsBrainstorming interesting  proposal essay topics  is quite challenging. But this doesn’t mean it’s utterly impossible. You can come up with a standout idea if you follow the expert tips listed below. But before you glean on those hacks, you need to understand what a proposal essay means.A proposal essay is a written document  that  identifies an issue in society and proposes solutions to the problem. This write-up is argumentative but takes a slightly different format than a typical essay. One of the distinguishing elements of a proposal is  deep research. As such, it takes more time to formulate a thesis and generate supportive evidence. In essence, such an essay needs to persuade readers that the proposal is viable and worth pursuing. Good proposal essay topics  convince the audience why specific ideas are good or bad.Generally, a proposal essay  must have the following elements.Research questionsThesis s tatementStatement of purpose/ proposalPlan of actionConclusionList of resourcesWhether it’s your first or fiftieth time to compose a proposal essay, the following strategies will help you to accomplish your assignment.Get the right topicThe best topics for a proposal essay involve serious research, planning, and enthusiasm. When narrowing down your ideas, it is essential for you to choose a subject of your interest. For most essays, you can change a topic until it comes out the way you want, but when it comes to a proposal, it is better off to choose something you are passionate about so you don’t get bored in the middle of your research. You will be writing and researching  a lot, and so it is much more pleasant to write when you have enjoyable ideas. The readers should be able to see your passion through what you’ve written, so you have to make your content more interesting. But don’t fall into a trap of writing about too obvious subjects like how to declutter a house or how to kill mice. Instead, find a topic that has a significant influence on you or society. Our proposal essay topics list has good examples you can expand on.Choose a subject with existing literatureWriting on a topic that cannot be supported by information resources is pointless. Your audience needs to see the evidence of your claims. From there, you can pick the side of the argument you think you can handle best. Never write opinionated content without facts. For instance ‘How to make yourself feel good’ is a bad topic. What you need is a topic with concrete facts such as ‘How to increase funding for research on chronic diseases.’ Remember that at the end of the proposal essay you must give a list of credible information sources.Choose an argumentative topicThe most exciting topics for proposal essay are debatable. Avoid a single subject because it can get boring and may not serve your goal correctly. It is good to address the opposi ng ideas from other scholars so you can produce an all-round academic paper.Best proposal essay topics for college studentsSuppose your lecturer asks you to write a proposal on a topic of your choice. In this case, you need to generate an idea   which can be good or bad. Then, you should prove that what you are proposing can be practiced in real life. Check out some exciting proposal essay topics  from different spheres.CultureTraditional family values versus bread and circus cultureIt is never too late to revitalize the old-fashioned way of lifeLack of tolerance in society is the cause of sexist, racist, and erratic behavior: How to stop these vicesMoral values are recurrently diminishing in society. How can we bring them back? Should heroes admonish permissive Hollywood movies?While morality is deemed outdated, risky behaviors are saluted: Ways to turn the tablesWhat’s the point of overspending on credit? Our culture is loaded with debts, and this needs to stopThe use o f gender-neutral words that sound politically rightHow to promote tolerance in our permissive societyParentingWhat can today’s parents do to ensure that their kids treat others with respect?Parents who are unable to care for their children properly should be given a second chanceWays to protect children from peer pressureThe best ways to discipline kidsParents and teachers should encourage kids to pursue science educationThere is a need for parents to emphasize more on humility rather than entitlementThe most effective methods of teaching children about moneyParents should have more extracurricular activities for their schooling kidsWays parents can help their children to deal with or avoid bullying in schoolLawHow do healthcare practitioners deal with homosexual patientsPrisoners, whether serving a lifetime or probation, should be allowed to voteThe espionage law and freedom of speech: should it be banned or improvements were made?The protection of animal rights is the respo nsibility of everyone, not just vegetariansDog bite laws: An overview of different dog breedsTechnology, Internet, and the Mass MediaDependency on technology is the killer of creativityHow to teach kids to use technical gadgets at the best valueHow college students use social media to improve their academic performanceWays to control the type of data that is retrieved onlineMethods of protecting your personal information from cyber theftImpact of cyberbullying and how to respond to itChildren should not be allowed to watch the TVHow to discern the truth from online headlinesAll countries should adopt internet censorshipHealthMeasures that should be taken to increase funding for research on cancer treatmentMajor health trends we can learn onlineHow is the life of an individual allergic to electromagnetism and modern gadgets?Safer methods for boosting health without the use of medicineImpact of antidepressants on self-esteem: should they be banned?Are cloning tissues for incurable dis eases ethical?Incorporating fun into a healthy lifestyleTest tube babies have a higher risk of congenital disabilities: couples should consider adoptionThe discussion of legalizing marijuana should be put to restHow to persuade kids not to play around with drugsEducationalQualified teachers have the right to reign freelyMistakes are fundamental to learning. School kids should be encouraged even when they err in classesThe latest trends in psychology that can be used to boost academic performanceHow to make the most out of a degree you don’t like to getHow to discuss sexual education in school without creating awkwardnessShould teachers warn kids about the negative life aspects?The education process is dependent on both students and educatorsAre grades the only way to measure a student’s performance?Teaching methods that must be prohibited in schoolsSportsCollege sport should undergo drug testsHow to prepare players for possible injuries and retirementThe mass media can do better in covering sports: special features and interviewsSports coaching: taking motivation to new heights for athletic playersReevaluating education and sports: should college athletes be paid?Rules that can improve parent’s involvement in their children’s educationCan single-sex schools help to increase students performance and discipline?College lifeDo college essay writing services help to improve students’ performance or encourage laziness?Serious issues facing college studentsShould universities monitor subcultures? What are the advantages of cultural diversity in schools?Work–study: how to balance studies and job without feeling overwhelmedHow to curb the issue of sexism in higher learning institutionsWays in which students can improve their safety at schoolChallenges faced by parenting studentsPreventing drugs and alcohol abuse among studentsThe right way to rest in a semesterBusinessUnemployment is a significant problem in society: how to el iminate it for goodConsumers should report big companies who lie about their products and servicesSmall and medium enterprises: ways to evade economic crises in the futureHow businesses should maintain trust with their clientsShould employee emails stay private at workplaces?The customer is always right: how to be a great clientHow to set the company’s  mission rightBesides monetary benefits, how else should companies reward workers?MotivationYour happiness depends on your attitude: How to live a happier lifeHow to anticipate a great future without being worried about your current salaryHow to avoid emotional breakdowns in the exam roomHow to teach people on ways to deal with failureDo we learn from others mistakes?Perfectionism is destructiveSocial issuesReducing homelessness in the societyChildren from socially unstable families can do the best in the  school and future relationships through counselingReducing the number of early-age school dropoutsHandling illegal immi grationThese proposal essay prompts are meant to inspire you. Feel free to add more ideas based on something that interests you. You might want to check a good proposal essay example before you start writing. Don’t forget to use a plagiarism checker after completing your paper an always keep in mind that you can use academic writing services if you get stuck.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Dover Beach

Truth What appears to be true and what actually is true are two very different things. â€Å"Dover Beach†, written by Mathew Arnold uses an exquisitely calm ocean filled with tension to present a position of appearance verses reality. In the poem â€Å"Grecian Urn†, author John Keats creates an illusion of mortality painted on the urn verses the immortality of true life. Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses appearance verses reality when Young Goodman Brown discovers the true evil nature of mankind in what seemed to be his good friends and fellow townsmen. â€Å"Dover Beach† is about a beautifully calm sea, although when looking underneath the surface, it is a world full of hidden turbulence. Arnold starts the mood with the essence of tranquility and serenity. Dover Beach is described as, â€Å"calm [that night], the tide is full, the moon lies fair,† and all seems right. The appearance of Dover Beach at this time is only of what the human senses can envision. Arnold looks beneath the surface of Dover Beach and unveils the true nature of the sea. When Arnold stops to really listen to the sea, â€Å"[he] only [hears] [the sea’s] melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.† Arnold justifies the theory that things are not always what they appear to be. Arnold announces to his lover that, â€Å"[our] [world] of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really neither joy, nor love.† Though the world may disguise its self as pure and true, it is really tainted and fraudulent. John Keats’s poem, â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† compares the perfections of a painting on an urn to the imperfections of true life. The painting on the urn portrays the outer beauty, which is ultimately unobtainable, that mankind strives for. The paintings are like â€Å"a flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf- fringed legend haunts about thy shape of deities or mortals.† The urn is beauty preserved while real life ages and dies, no matter how hard mankind... Free Essays on Dover Beach Free Essays on Dover Beach Truth What appears to be true and what actually is true are two very different things. â€Å"Dover Beach†, written by Mathew Arnold uses an exquisitely calm ocean filled with tension to present a position of appearance verses reality. In the poem â€Å"Grecian Urn†, author John Keats creates an illusion of mortality painted on the urn verses the immortality of true life. Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses appearance verses reality when Young Goodman Brown discovers the true evil nature of mankind in what seemed to be his good friends and fellow townsmen. â€Å"Dover Beach† is about a beautifully calm sea, although when looking underneath the surface, it is a world full of hidden turbulence. Arnold starts the mood with the essence of tranquility and serenity. Dover Beach is described as, â€Å"calm [that night], the tide is full, the moon lies fair,† and all seems right. The appearance of Dover Beach at this time is only of what the human senses can envision. Arnold looks beneath the surface of Dover Beach and unveils the true nature of the sea. When Arnold stops to really listen to the sea, â€Å"[he] only [hears] [the sea’s] melancholy, long, withdrawing roar.† Arnold justifies the theory that things are not always what they appear to be. Arnold announces to his lover that, â€Å"[our] [world] of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really neither joy, nor love.† Though the world may disguise its self as pure and true, it is really tainted and fraudulent. John Keats’s poem, â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† compares the perfections of a painting on an urn to the imperfections of true life. The painting on the urn portrays the outer beauty, which is ultimately unobtainable, that mankind strives for. The paintings are like â€Å"a flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf- fringed legend haunts about thy shape of deities or mortals.† The urn is beauty preserved while real life ages and dies, no matter how hard mankind... Free Essays on Dover Beach Matthew Arnold’s dramatic monologue â€Å"Dover Beach† portrays the way in which perceptions are deceptive. The use of technical qualities, symbolism, and imagery helps to support the speaker’s thoughts between what is seen and what is real. Rhythm and meter are the most important devices in â€Å"Dover Beach†. These mechanisms allow Arnold to use words as a way to portray the speaker’s struggle. Figures of speech, sounds, and irony of words are also used. Line one; â€Å"The Sea is calm tonight† has a gentle rhythm that can be compared to the â€Å"ebb and flow† of the sea. With this description one can imagine a beautiful beach with water lapping upon the shore. The second line also gives the image of a calm sea. It is not until line three that the rhythm is broken. This line begins and ends with an iamb but the middle is broken up. The choppiness in the sentence is a foreshadowing of potential problems to come. In the fourth line the poem’s rhythm continues to be broken up, but shortly after is recovered in line five. The rhyme scheme is: ABACD, with only the first and third lines rhyming. This lack of pattern is used to provide an image of struggle within the speaker. In the second stanza, the number of feet per measure does not project a pattern. This is supposed to create a sense of misunderstanding. The false impression of the rhythm covers the inner struggle in the speaker. The sounds of Arnold’s poem help convey the speaker’s internal quandary. â€Å"You hear the grating roar of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling†, this quote gives the stanza an acoustic value. â€Å"On the French coast the light gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand, glimmering and vast,† portrays a visual picture of what is present at the scene. Arnold utilizes pleasing words to the ear when blissful times are present and harsh ones at time of depression and sadness. The sounds of the poem do not only display t... Free Essays on Dover Beach â€Å"Dover Beach† Essay In â€Å"Dover Beach† by Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), the narrator is in a house on the beach, and he is looking out the window at the sea and the beach. It is dark out. The lighthouse and the moon provide the illumination. The man is speaking to a woman in the house with him. The poem is a dramatic monologue, it tells a story. The sea serves two vital purposes in the poem – it is used as both a setting to set the mood, and as a means of contrast. Matthew Arnold wrote this poem in 1867. The beach house in the poem is somewhere on the English Channel, most likely on a piece of beachfront called â€Å"Dover Beach†. Some very eminent aspects of this poem are pebbles, Sophocles, the â€Å"Sea of Faith†, the Aegean Sea, and â€Å"ignorant armies†. Guy Montag recites â€Å"Dover Beach† in Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, to link the parallel conditions of human hopelessness and misery. The first part of â€Å"Dover Beach† portrays the vista the narrator is viewing as he looks out upon the sea. The â€Å"sea is calm†, and the â€Å"tide is full†. The moon and a French Lighthouse illuminate the shoreline, the â€Å"naked shingles of the Earth† where the land meets the sea. The â€Å"cliffs of England† are visible. This first part of the poem sets the dismal, depressing tone that dictates the poem from this point on. It also introduces two vital parts of the poem. It conveys the geography and setting, and it also connects the back and forth, back and forth motion of the pebbles with the hopelessness of the world. Even though the sea is calm, the waves are still drawing back and flinging the pebbles on the shoreline. The â€Å"grating roar† is the waves of the English Channel striking the shoreline. This motion of the pebbles caused by the waves â€Å"begin, and cease, and then again begin, with tremulous cadence slow†. It is this repetitious and unavoidable cycle of the pebbles as they are dominated by the waves of the sea that...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Dealing with Quick Wins Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dealing with Quick Wins - Research Paper Example This is exactly what happens in the case of Canadian Tire. Some decision makers within the organization are recommending "quick wins" presently when they are in the middle of implementing a long-term project, which is the redevelopment of a business intelligence (BI) infrastructure. The "quick wins" being referred to are short term projects recommended in response to assessed opportunities. These include the access to daily promotional data, forecasting and model simulation for incremental sales, pricing optimization reports and competitiveness analytics, among others (p.10). These projects were all IT-related and involve constant realignment and redirection of resources. It adversely impacts the long-term BI infrastructure project. In order to address the dilemma, I would like to establish some facts first. Foremost is the importance of the BI infrastructure project currently being undertaken. It is a much called for reform in order for Canadian Tire to be competitive. The long-term strategy will overhaul the way business is conducted in the organization. It is expected that organizational processes will be streamlined, business operations would be more cost effective, workforce will be more productive, decision making will be more informed and, hence, more effective and the organization would be in a better position to respond to risks and opportunities, among other benefits and advantages. On the other hand, the organization is also operating presently with the old model, as the transition being targeted by the reform is not yet completed. Canadian Tire has to respond to the movements of the market, the demands of the consumers, the impact of competition, the emergence of immediate risks and opportunities and a host of other short-term variables. That is why quick wins are imperative. It is clear that both of the points outlined

Friday, November 1, 2019

Euthanasia and Kants Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Euthanasia and Kants Morality - Essay Example Legally, assisted suicide has been justified on certain grounds, for example in countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and in the State of Oregon in the United States (McKean 1). This does not however change the fact that for most people the issue of euthanasia is fundamentally not about giving mercy. It is still the â€Å"killing† part that raises the hackles for most people. Mercy (or compassion) and killing (with an intent to kill, it can still be considered murder) are still clearly contradictory, i.e., posed in the very simplistic, yet lucid question: how could you possibly help someone you love or care about kill himself? How could mercy or love ever be allied with the destruction of life, no matter how little remains of it? The morality of any act according to Kant’s well-known adage of the categorical imperative only suffices if it can be raised as a universal law (Kant, Groundwork of The Metaphysics of Morals). To assist someone who wants to di e will almost never impel that unconditional sense of rightness, but instead the situation will almost always look at the conditionality of how a particular situation may be acted upon. This action is the opposite of what can be found in the morality of the categorical imperative. A thing according to Kantian morality is right because it is independent of any external cause. In the case of euthanasia, the external cause takes the forms of the mercy or a sense of â€Å"duty† to let a person die in dignity, or respect the wishes of someone who wants to end his life.... sion may be high due to a seemingly hopeless situation be trusted in deciding that life is better ended Is he or she an "autonomous" person in this case On the other hand, can a caregiver or a doctor with a close relationship with a terminally ill and suffering patient be looked at as merely performing a duty to respect the decision to die of someone he or she cares about Is it duty or is it something else The concept of autonomy or the sense of freedom and the principle of duty in Kant's theory of morality provide analytical tools to examine whether euthanasia is morally defensible. Autonomy and dignity, which are based upon the premise that a human being is free by way of reason to decide on what is wrong or right, have been used to justify euthanasia. Conversely, this line of reasoning suggests that the autonomy or dignity of a patient who expresses that life-prolonging treatments or care violate his or her sense of dignity as a human being should be respected. According to Kant, men are moral beings because by virtue of being free and capable of reason. However, he qualifies the term freedom, and explains further that there is a "negative" and "positive" sense of freedom. He wrote, "The sole principle of morality consists in the independence on all matter of the law (namely, a desired object), and in the determination of the elective will by the mere universal legislative form of which its maxim must be capable. This independence is freedom in the negative sense, and this self-legislation of the pure, and therefore practical reason is freedom in the positive sense" (Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, Book 1, chap.1, par 85). On both counts, whether in the negative or positive sense, the patient who is supposedly the originator of a decision that would